By Dr. Stephen Fulder “What does that mean?” “Does it have any meaning?” “I am what?” “Who or What exactly is the That that I am supposed to be?” “If I am That , am I still myself?” “How can I know the That that is me?”
DHARMA PRACTICE IN DAILY LIFE In alphabetical order 1. Abide with authenticity and integrity. Be willing to say to YES to develop what matters, say NO to what is harmful, take risks and be adventurous. 2. Cultivate daily acts of love/kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity. Know that...
Guided Mindfulness Meditation Stephen Fulder Pay a little attention to the way you are sitting, which should be primarily relaxed and easy, but at the same time with a sense of steadiness and upright dignity: not collapsed or hunched up. If you’re sitting in a chair you might like to have your two...
A city course of 8 sessions, meant mostly for those who have begun practicing, but are relatively in the start of their path. The course offers a framework for strengthening the meditative practice alongside getting familiar with the ideas and notions upon which Vipassanā practice stands. This...
'Mindfulness' is a translation of the world 'sati' from the ancient language of Pali, the language of the early Buddhist texts. This word means 'remembering to be conscious' or 'remembering to pay attention'; it has a quality of presence, and of returning or remembrance. The previous translation to...
There are several "streams" or traditions of studying within the framework of Vipassanā courses. The course according to the tradition of S. N. Goenka is taught mostly based on the originally Burmese tradition, while most courses in Tovana are influenced by a tradition called Thai Forest Tradition.
A gathering of introduction to Vipassana Meditation (Tovana). This kind of gathering takes place from time to time and includes a short meditation, a talk and Q & A time. This kind of gathering is open to everyone and is meant for anyone who is interested in meditation and wants to learn more...