Sangha House Library

The Sangha House library is free and open to the public.

Our collection includes books on the Dharma in both Hebrew and English. You may borrow books for a one-month period by listing your contact information on the notice board in the library. (To borrow books for longer periods, please email [email protected]).

All of the books in our collection were donated by members of the community. We welcome additional donations of materials related to the Dharma, personal growth, relationships, etc.

Please send your ideas and questions to [email protected] or call 052-7709713

Sangha house2

Library  catalog:

Books in English:


  1. Tha Dharma Bums \ Jack Kerouac
  2. Love @ Peace,Why Buddhism War
  3. Living Med Insight
  4. Cave in the Snow / Vicki Mackenzie
  5. The end of your world / Adyashanti
  6. The Manual of Insite / Ledi Sayadaw
  7. The Buddha's Ancient Path / Thera Piyadassi
  8. Letters to a Buddhist Gew / Akiva Tatz; David Gottlieb
  9. Meetings with Remarkable Women / Buddhist Teachers in America / Revised and Updated Edition
  10. Soul Stories / Gary Zukav
  11. Feeling Matters / Michael Eigen
  12. Shambhala / The Sacred Path of the Warrior / Chogyam Trungpa
  13. Falling into Grace / Insights of the End of Suffering / Adyashanti
  14. The Perfume of Silence / Francis Lucille
  15. Eternity Now / Francis Lucill
  16. The Open Secret of Spiritual Awakening As It Is / Tony Parsons
  17. Invitation to Awaken / Embracing Our Natural State of Presence / Tony Parsons
  18. Truth Love Beauty / Francis Lucill
  19. All There Is / Tony Parsons
  20. Dhamma Lived I / dealing with negativity & aggravation / Forgiveness / Sayadaw U Gotika
  21. Om Shantih / The Soundless Sound / Peace, Peace, Peace / Osho Rajneesh
  22. The God of Small Things / Arundhati Roy
  23. Buddhism of Wisdom & Faith / Pure Land Principles and Practice / Dharma Master Thich Thien Tan
  24. Buddhism: the Wisdom of Compassion and Awakening / Venerable Master Chin Kung
  25. Buddahism Explained / Blikkhv Kantipalo
  26. Awareness / The Key to acceptance, forgiveness and growth / Miriam Adahan
  27. The Seeker's Glossary of Buddhism
  28. One / Richard Bach
  29. With Compassionate Understanding / a Meditation Retreat / Steve and Rosemary Weissman
  30. The Celesting Prophecy / James Redfield
  31. Dhamma Yaungchi Ceti / The Pagoda of the Light of the Dahamma / Sayagyi U Chit Tin
  32. Patipada or The Mode of Practice of Venerable Achran Mun / Venerable Achar; Maha Boowa: Nanasampanno
  33. Some Saying of the Buddha According to the Pali Canon / F.L. Woodward
  34. The Wings to Awakening / Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  35. The Buddha and his Teachings / Narada
  36. The Path of Purification (Visuddh Imagga) / Bhadantacariya Buddhaghosa
  37. The Life of the Buddha / Rev. Siridhamma
  38. Basic Buddhism Course / Phra Sunthorn Plamintr, PH.D.
  39. Loving and Dying / Visuddhacaza
  40. Christianty and Buddhism; Sinclaire Thompson Memorial Lecture / The Venerable Bhikkhu Buddhadasa Indapanno
  41. Eye of the Storn; Vairotsana's Five Original Transmissions / Keith Dowman
  42. Beyond Coping - a Study Guide on Aging, Illnes, Death & Separation / Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  43. A Brief History of Everything / David Lorimer
  44. The Dhammapada / the Buddha's Path of Wisdom
  45. How to live without Fear & Worry / K. Sri Dhammanada
  46. The Art of Healing / Sat Nam Rasayan / Guru Dev Singh with Ambrosio Espinosa
  47. Essentials of Buddhism / Ven. Pategama Gnanarama PH.D.
  48. Fundamentals of Buddhism / Peter D. Santina
  49. Buddhism for Human
  50. 2500 Years of Buddahism / Prof. P.V. Bapat
  51. Awekeing / Monk Chat
  52. Cambrige Self Hindi Teacher
  53. The Essence of Buddhism / P. Lakshmi Narasu
  54. Dependet Origination / Piyadassi Thera
  55. Mahasatipatthana Suttam
  56. The Basic Method of Meditation / Ajahn Brahmauamso
  57. Entangled Voice - Genre and the Religious Construction of the Self / Frederick J. Ruf
  58. The Green Buddha / Christopher Titmuss
  59. The Buddha in the Jungle / Kamala Tiyavanich
  60. The Blooming of the Lotus / Thich Nhat Hanh
  61. Brahama Net Sutra; Moral Code of Bohisattvas
  62. Food for the Thinking Mind / K Sri Dhammananda
  63. Unfolding Meaning - A Weekend of dialogue / David Bohm
  64. The Red Tent / Anita Diamant
  65. The Network of Thought / J. Krishnamurti
  66. Wild Chickens and Petty Tyrants, 108 Metaphors for Mindfulness / Arnie kozak, PH.D.
  67. Awakeing Presence / The Nun's Community
  68. Introducing Buddhism
  69. Gesture of Balance - A Guide to Awareness, Self-healing and Meditation / Tarthang Tulku
  70. Buddhism for Human Life / Dr. K.Sri
  71. Thus Have I Heard / Buddhist Parables and Stories
  72. Meetings With Remarkable Women / Buddhist Teachers in America / Lenore Friedman
  73. The World of Tibetan Buddhism / Dalai Lama
  74. Women in Korean Zen / Lives and Practices / Martine Batchelor: Son'gyong Sunim
  75. Buddhism and Nature Conservation / Chatsumarn Kabilsingh
  76. Meditations3 / Dhamma Talks / Thanissoro Bhikkhu
  77. The Four Noble Truths / Venerable Ajahn Sumedho
  78. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide / Douglas Adams
  79. A Still Forest Pool / Achaan Chan
  80. A Manual of the Buddhism / Narada
  81. Treasure of the Dhamma / Dr. K. Sri Dhammananada
  82. The Udana & The Itivuttaka
  83. The Dhammapeda / Narada
  84. China's Train, Tibet's Tragedy
  85. The A,B,C of Buddhism / Buddhasa Bhinkkha
  86. Metta / The Philosophy & Practice of Universal Love / Acharya Buddharakkhita
  87. A Happy Married Life / Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda
  88. Tibet /A Human Development and Environmant
  89. Transformation / on Tour with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
  90. The Bridge Across Forever / Richard Bach
  91. Running from Safety / Richard Bach
  92. Precious Gems of Wisdom / Mahatma Gandhi
  93. Pure Land Pure Mind / Chu-Hung and Ysung Pen
  94. Lonely Planet / India
  95. Yoga & Ayurveda / Self-Healing and Self-Realization / David Frawley
  96. Studies in the Philosophy of the Bodhicaryavatara / Paul Williams
  97. Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing / Usha Lad, Dr. Vasant Lad
  98. From Pieces to Peace / Anael
  99. What the Buddha Taught / Walpola Rahula


